A group of SABOR members posed in the parking lot.


Join Us!

SABOR committees are truly the backbone of the association. This is where you can get involved, lend your insights and expertise, and help shape the future of SABOR.

You probably have ideas of ways to enhance the MLS. Or perhaps it’s your passion to encourage members to give back to the community through charitable projects. Maybe you want to help protect private property rights, or you have ideas about promoting diversity within the industry. These are just a few of the many things you can do on a committee. No matter your interest, there is a committee for you – we promise!

Ready to get started? Just click the committee name below that you’re interested in, and read a short description for each. You’ll also see how often each committee generally meets as well as the types of projects they typically do, just to give you a better idea of what to expect before you decide. Also, you’ll see some committees are limited in size (Budget and Finance, Bylaws, Government Affairs, and TREPAC). So if you apply for one of those committees, just know because of the amount of applicants, you may not get selected. That’s why we recommend you apply for up to three committees, that way you have a better chance of getting on one.

Still need help? That’s ok, too. Just email us at communications@sabor.com and we’ll help you find what you’re looking for.

To apply for a committee, Click Here.

A crowd of people in a theater raising their hands with the speaker.

Ever wondered how you can give back to your industry? Look no further! We have lots of great opportunities for you through our committees.

The Board of Directors is SABOR’s governing body that meets monthly to discuss numerous topics and issues that directly affect REALTOR® members. Overseeing an annual budget and approving any reports or considering action items from committees is also an integral part of being a Board member. (REALTORS® only)

This committee provides a review of the budget, monitors the finances of the Board and reviews delinquent accounts. In addition the committee reviews and anticipates potential future income and expenses, then recommends methods of obtaining needed revenues and considers any polices that affect the financial condition of the Board. The committee is also responsible for monitoring the performance of Investment Management Firms as well as the Auditing Firm and overseeing the association’s operational funds set aside for investment. This committee is by appointment only. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting Frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Reviewing monthly financial statements and moving unaudited statements to the Board of Directors
  • Reviewing investment portfolio on a quarterly basis
  • Reviewing annual budget [Oct/Nov timeframe] and recommending budget to Board of Directors for approval

Staff Contact: VP of Finance budget@sabor.com

The Bylaws & Policies Committee studies proposed revisions and amendments to the Bylaws; studies proposed amendments to the Board Policies and Procedure manual; properly words and places in Bylaws changes as directed by the Board of Directors; and submits published changes to all members at a General Business Meeting for approval. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting frequency: As needed

Typical projects include:

  • Review and make suggestions about ways to improve the Operations Manual and Bylaws

Staff Contact: VP of Risk Management & General Counsel bylaws@sabor.com

The Commercial Committee provides members who practice commercial real estate the opportunity to engage in advocacy activities that positively impact and are favorable to the protection of the commercial real estate industry. The committee identifies monitors, reviews, analyzes, and recommends policies addressing commercial real estate industry issues and trends, and focuses on emerging commercial data trends and products, professional development, industry awareness, and local leadership support to help members’ involvement in the commercial real estate industry. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Marketing sessions
  • Panel discussions
  • Educational courses

Staff Contact: VP of Risk Management & General Counsel commercialcommittee@sabor.com

The Diversity Committee facilitates activities designed to increase diversity within the real estate profession, SABOR’s volunteer leadership, and SABOR’s membership; identifies general diversity and fair housing education needs in SABOR’s geographic jurisdictions and develops and promotes SABOR’s diversity and fair housing goals relative to these jurisdictions; advocates for changes in the real estate business practices that reflect the growing cultural diversity within Central Texas; shares diversity knowledge, expertise, analysis and information with other SABOR committees as appropriate; and develops and recommends policies and programs calculated to increase the diversity and inclusiveness amongst SABOR volunteers and actively engaged membership. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Diversity and Fair Housing events and presentations
  • Providing unconscious bias and/or implicit bias training opportunities to members

Staff Contact: Senior VP of Operations  diversity@sabor.com

The Global Business Council shall encourage activities to increase interaction with the real estate professionals of other international organizations and foster global growth of real estate business that serves the local community. The Council will provide educational, networking and cultural awareness opportunities to encourage international real estate business focused on real estate investment inside and outside the U.S. Additionally; the Council will use programming to enhance the cultural diversity and marketing knowledge of SABOR members to broaden multi-cultural understanding within the real estate community. The Committee is not a policy-making body; however, recommendations and concerns shall be forwarded to the appropriate SABOR committee. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Hosting an International Day event
  • Hosting educational opportunities for members to learn more about conducting international business

Staff Contact: Senior VP of Operations gbc@sabor.com

The Government Affairs Committee establishes volunteer liaisons who serve as conduits to for elected officials to National, State, County, and local positions; remains informed of REALTOR® positions so as to inform governmental officials of the issues affecting the real estate industry; works with other organizations, community groups and business leaders on specific problem solving or issues affecting the community as it relates to SABOR’s public policy statement and as approved by the Board of Directors; monitors local, state and federal legislative activity affecting private property rights and the real estate industry and keeps the membership informed; assists in the activation and dissemination of Issues Mobilization requests to membership; recruits and educates new volunteers in political and campaign activities; monitors the various school districts in SABOR jurisdictions and informs the SABOR membership about pending issues and elections of interest; and increases member awareness of the need for political involvement on an ongoing basis. This committee is made up of 20 members. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • City Hall/REALTOR® day at the state capitol visits
  • Candidate interviews with recommendations to the Board of Directors
  • Voter registration drives
  • Legislative policy updates with recommendations to the Board of Directors

Staff Contact: Government Affairs Director governaffairs@sabor.com

The Housing Forecast Committee is appointed annually by the Chair-elect on an Ad Hoc basis and plans, coordinates, and implements the annual SABOR Housing Forecast program.

Staff Contact: Senior VP of Operations housingforecast@sabor.com

The Leasing and Property Management Committee provides suggested professional operational procedures for SABOR members; reviews and informs the membership of legislation affecting rental property; and offers seminars and/or courses relating to property management. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include: 

  • Providing education to members about property management issues

Staff Contact: Vp of Risk Management & General Counsel lpmc@sabor.com

The Military Advisory Group enhances awareness of serving the needs of current military members and veterans through education and assists in planning, coordinating and facilitating the special military education programming. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Participation in Wreaths Across America
  • Hosting Military and Veteran education events

Staff Contact: VP of Technology mag@sabor.com

The Multiple Listing Service Committee governs operation of the Multiple Listing Service; recommends revisions, rules, regulations and forms; and maintains communication with the NAR and Texas REALTORS® MLS Committees. Members serve a two-year term. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Assessing the connectMLS system for potential enhancements or modifications
  • Revising the MLS Rules & Regulations to comply with NAR policy and San Antonio marketplace needs

Staff Contact: MLS Director mls@sabor.com

The Outreach Committee exists to promote the value, professionalism and use of a REALTOR®. The committee will work to enhance SABOR’s efforts with its Charities of Choice through the development and facilitating of awareness programs, volunteer time, and fundraising campaigns. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Hosting service days at the San Antonio Food Bank
  • Preparing and serving dinner to the residents at SAMMinistries
  • Hosting donation drives to benefit local charities

Staff Contact: VP of Communications & Marketing outreach@sabor.com

The REALTOR® Builder Committee promotes cooperation between REALTORS® and builders; works with both groups in the promotion of new home sales; prepares programs to be used by both organizations in the sale of new homes; hosts an annual Bus Tour; and hosts a Construction Class series. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Hosting the REALTOR® Builder New Homes Bus Tour and Expo for TREPAC
  • Coordinating the Inspecting New Construction class and the New Home Construction Class series

Staff Contact: Member Engagement Manager realtorbuilder@sabor.com

The REALTOR® Development Committee researches and identifies potential business services that would benefit members in the growth of their business; educates on risk reduction strategies to reduce liability; educates members about the various regulations and requirements for “green” properties to assist them in the listing and marketing of properties; educates SABOR members about sustainability practices that could be implemented as part of their business practices; and assists the Board in determining new and innovated technologies that have potential for benefiting member services and products. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Staff Contact: VP of Risk Management & General Counsel realtordevelopment@sabor.com

The TREPAC Committee communicates to the membership the purpose, effectiveness, structure, value and benefits of investing in TREPAC; develops new and innovative events/programs to generate contributions to TREPAC; and encourages participation among the membership to meet participation goals set by Texas REALTORS®; encourage participation in the Lone Star Statesman, Capitol Club, Sterling R, Crystal R, Golden R, President’s Circle and related programs. TREPAC Committee members are expected to attend TREPAC events. The TREPAC Committee will be made up of 20 members who can each serve two (2) year terms. The terms of the committee members will be staggered. Members may serve for two (2) consecutive terms and can be reappointed to serve another term after a period of one year from the expiration of served term.  If appointed to chairman or vice-chairman position, term will be extended. The TREPAC Committee will operate on the TREPAC calendar year which starts on October 1 and ends September 30. (REALTORS® and Affiliate members)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Hosting events to raise funds for TREPAC
  • Purple Party
  • Text and phone banks to solicit investments

Staff Contact: Government Affairs Director trepaccommittee@sabor.com

The TRLP Alumni Task Force encourages the continued development of leadership skills for graduates of the leadership program and promotes participation by graduates in appointed and elected offices within the Board and the community at large. (Past TRLP Graduates only)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Facilitating the mentorship program with the current TRLP class
  • Participating as presenters to the current TRLP class, as needed
  • Hosting educational sessions for Alumni to further their skills learned in the class

Staff Contact: VP of Communications & Marketing trlpalumni@sabor.com

The Young Professionals Network fosters networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas affecting today’s young professionals and provides opportunities for SABOR members to get involved in community service initiatives. (REALTORS® only)

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Typical projects include:

  • Hosting Trivia for TREPAC
  • Hosting mixers and other educational networking events
  • Hosting the Tech Summit Event
  • Coordinating a toy drive for the kids at SAMMinistries and hosing the Santa at SAMM event

Staff Contact: Government Affairs Director ypncommittee@sabor.com