People sitting with their hands on knees

Nomination Process

Board of Directors Nomination Process

What are the eligibility requirements to serve on SABOR’s Board of Directors and how long can someone serve?

Members interested in applying for the Board of Directors must meet the following qualifications:

The applicant is currently a primary REALTOR® Member of the San Antonio Board of REALTORS® in good standing (per Article 6, Section 6 of the SABOR Bylaws);
The applicant has been a primary REALTOR® member of SABOR for one (1) year;
The applicant is not a member of the Nominating Committee that nominates him or her;
The applicant has submitted to SABOR an application to serve on the Board of Directors; and
The applicant has served a minimum of one (1) year on a SABOR committee within the last three (3) years.
Directors are nominated to serve a 3-year term. They may serve up to 2 consecutive 3-year terms.

How are candidates evaluated by the Nominating Committee?

Once applications are open, interested candidates submit an extensive application, including information about professional designations, service to the industry by way of SABOR or NAR affiliated real estate organizations (ie Women’s Council of REALTORS®), Texas REALTORS®, and NAR Committee service, and any other service to the greater local community. Candidates are then interviewed by the Local Nominating Committee. Those deemed the most qualified candidates are submitted to the Board of Directors for ratification.

Who is on the Local Nominating Committee and how are they chosen?

Article XI, Section 6 of SABOR’s Bylaws dictates: “A Local Nominating Committee consisting of eleven (11) members. These 11 members will be selected by Chairman of the Board, Chairman-Elect and President/CEO and be made up of the two most recent past Chairmen of the Board once removed. They shall select three members from the current Board of Directors, and six from the general membership which shall include no more than one Past President/Chairman. If one of the past two Chairmen is not available then going in chronological order of most recent past Chairman one will be selected. The members appointed to serve on the Nominating Committee from the Board of Directors and general membership shall not consist of more than one agent from the same brokerage. Nor shall any members of the Nominating Committee be related to each other. The Committee shall be ratified by the Board of Directors. A quorum for the Local Nominating Committee shall be any combination of seven (7) members. The Chairman of the Local Nominating Committee shall be the most recent past Chairman of the Board once removed. No member of the Local Nominating Committee shall be a candidate for any elected position in which the Committee will be considering. Members who are or will be serving on the Local Nominating Committee for SABOR Board of Directors positions are prohibited from nominating candidates to be considered by the Nominating Committee on which they are serving or will serve. The only exception to this rule would exist when no other name has been put forward for a particular position at which point members of the Nominating Committee could nominate candidates for the otherwise uncontested position.”

If you’re not advanced by the Local Nominating Committee as a Board Candidate, how can you get on the ballot?

Per Article XI, Section 6 of SABOR’s Bylaws: “In the event a member seeks to be a petition candidate the following procedures will apply: In order to run from the floor. The REALTOR® must have filed for a position and been interviewed during the normal candidate interview process in order to be considered a petition candidate. If the candidate was considered but not selected by the Local Nominating Committee, petition candidate must file a petition with 5% of the REALTOR® membership (at time of filing) signing said petition. Said petitions must be presented to the President/CEO for verification of signatures no later than 5:00 p.m. seven business days before the regular business meeting of the General Membership held in July. Said “verified” petitions must be presented to the Secretary/Treasurer at the regular business meeting of the General Membership held in July.”

What is the timeline and process for the Board of Directors election?

If no petitions are received, the slate of those presented as nominees by the Local Nominating Committee will be elected by acclamation by those present at the regular business meeting of the General Membership held on or before September 1 of each year. (Article XI, Section 6 of SABOR Bylaws)

When a seat on the Board of Directors is vacated, how and when is it filled?

According to Article XI, Section 8 of the SABOR Bylaws: “Vacancies among the Officers and the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board and ratified by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors. If at any point a member is removed from the Board of Directors or Executive Committee they are removed from the other body as well. Appointed officers or directors shall fill the remaining calendar year of the unexpired term. If the seat of Immediate Past Chairman of the Board becomes vacant it shall be filled with a past Chairman starting in chronological order from most recent.”